domingo, 7 de abril de 2013

My handmade ethnic skirt

Comprei alguns tecidos e a minha Mãe tem feito algumas peças desde saias, blusas, malas, etc. Esta saia foi também feita por ela! Usei-a com o meu blusão preferido e com os meus novos botins.

I've bought some fabrics and my Mom have made clothes for me (my Mom is the best!) This ethnic skirt was  also made by her. I wore it with my favorite leather jacket and my new western booties.

Photos by André

Blusão / Jacket: Zara
Saia / Skirt: Handmade (by Mom)
Botins / Booties: Zara
Colar / Necklace: so old  that I can't remember where was bought

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